So you're planning on moving - well moving to or from your residence can be an exciting adventure, but the process of packing can often be a daunting task.
As your trusted real estate broker I'm here to share 10 excellent tips to make your packing experience a breeze. Let's dive in!
1. **Declutter First**: Before you start packing, declutter your home🏡. Decluttering will help you get rid of items you no longer need or use, wear or have
grown out of (like those old love letters) and make your move lighter and more organized.
2. **Create an Inventory**: Make a list of all your belongings, room by room. Use apps or spreadsheets to keep track of your items.
I have even written on the sides of the boxes what's in there in case I need to find an item. #MovingInventory
3. **Gather Supplies**: Stock up on packing supplies like boxes, bubble wrap, newspaper, room identifying packing tape, tape gun and
markers 🖊 well in advance. A lot of these can be found at Dollorama to help you save money.
4. **Pack Room by Room**: Packing one room at a time helps to maintain order. I know easier said than done but by labeling each box
with its contents and destination room. It will make finding things so much easier and reduce the overwhelm.
5. **Use Quality Boxes**: 📦My mom would say that, "Cheap can be costly!" meaning while it might be tempting to get those free boxes from
the grocery or retail store becareful! You don't want to bring in insects to you old or new place. Invest in sturdy boxes to ensure the safety of your
belongings. Consider renting plastic bins for an eco-friendly option. 📦
6. **Protect Fragile Items**: Wrap fragile items individually with bubble wrap or packing paper or old clothes 👚 and blankets Place them in boxes
with plenty of cushioning material. . 🥂 Once you've arrived at your new destination, you can donate those old clothes and blankets to a shelter or thrift store.
7. **Heavy Items on Bottom**: When loading boxes into the moving truck 🚛, place heavy items at the bottom and lighter ones on top. This ensures
stability and prevents breakage. Also remember with heavy boxes, DO NOT over pack because this can cause an unexpected injury and slow down your efforts.
8. **Essentials Box**: This is key! 🔑Pack an essentials box with items you'll need immediately upon arrival in your new home, such as
cell phone charges, medication, pens, paper, toiletries, snacks, petty cash, pet treats and important documents.
9. **Label Clearly**: Use clear, bold labels on each box, specifying the room it belongs to and a brief description of contents. This will help make unpacking a breeze.
10. **Hire Professionals**: If you are doing an international move consider hiring professional movers if your budget allows.
They have the expertise and equipment to make your move efficient and stress-free. Failing that get references, insurance and vet, vet, vet!!
Moving doesn't have to be a stressful experience. With these 10 packing hacks, you'll be well-prepared for your journey to a new home. Happy moving! 🏡✨
Michelle Babb, Broker

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